Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fulton Street Farmer's Market

So - last post I waxed on a bit about going local and trying to ramp up your own produce. As I still don't have that fishtank yet (craigslist or freecycle is sure to have one pop up eventually) for now I'm sticking to the "purchase what you can an the local farmer's market" ideal.

And you can find darn near everything you'd ever want to eat at the Fulton Street Farmer's market in Grand Rapids. All matter of fruits, vegtables, one fascinating lady is selling chestnuts!

I figure each time I hit up the market, I'm going to post a FSFM haul up here. Now, this one is going to be a teeensy bit off as I cooked up some of the delights for dinner last night, but nonetheless it is still valid.

Unfortuneately, It's now time for me to go create Squiggy's lunch - so I'll have to get back to y'all. I'll update this post later today with pics of the haul! ^_^

From one blog to another

yes, dears, this is technically a repost, but it bears repeating.

A few weeks ago on my other blog (cutelunchlady), I mentioned visiting the Fulton Street Farmer's Market - and I highly recommend you go as well, not only for the cheese, but for the high variety of incredible produce and hand made goods available there.  Go Local!

Speaking of, I am a very big supporter of the "Go Local" movement - not only because the food is fresher (and tastier! OM NOM NOM) but also because - and this is important - when you spend your money locally, it improves your local economy.  That's something we all could use a little more of - better economy.

Of course, ideally, you'd grow some produce of your own... but that's not always workable in the big busy city life.

Or is it?

Recently, I discovered Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl through the wonders of the internet.  And boy, has she ever proved us urban crazies wrong!  She has transformed her front and backyard into a mini-farm, complete with a fruit orchard, multiple vegetable patches, even livestock.  Go check her "farmette" out - it's wholly organic and entirely self-sustainable.  I aspire to arrive at the level of amazing she has reached.  Unfortunately, it's a little late in the season for me to get started on my gardens... but I am going to try the hydro-aquaponic garden in my rear window... as soon as I find a cheap, large fishtank (maybe I should go with two or three smaller ones?)

What are your thoughts?

Hello World

Welcome to my product of my latest adventure - blogging about my life. I mean, I figured that my main blog ( is quite the run of fun, and I certainly do discuss food enough to merit having a whole blog devoted to it... there is just SO. MUCH. MORE. that I'm up to. One could say I'm quite Mrschievous. And no, that's not a mis-spelling, it's a portmanteau of Mrs and mischievous - a quite fitting descriptor of myself, being that I am both married and near-always up to something).

That - and I used to have a blog with a similar point - I just completely forgot the login. And Password. T_T

So here we are, starting anew. How exciting!