Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Death in the Family

It's been a rough month.
Sorayne, who I've posted of here before, passed away suddenly and tragically five weeks ago, and I just haven't had the gumption or the wherewithal to post about it yet... and I didn't want to post of any other things first. We were nearly inseparable, living together and going to conventions and running amok of our city at wee hours of the morning. When she moved across the state to live with her fiance, we still got in touch with each other every evening via Skype, just to see each other's faces. She was instrumental in the formation of my bento blog's resurgence last year, even going so far as to suggest to the Youmacon board that I run a pannel on bento making at this year's convention. Calling her my girlfriend doesn't do her justice. The world is a lot less bright without my fearless, take-no-crap butterfly.

Sorayne had only two rules governing her life - 1) tell no lies, and 2) regret nothing. While I only knew her for a few years, and our trials and tribulations were both varied and sometimes oddly loud, we loved each other to the end. I will follow her rules of life forever, and remember to never regret time not spent, things not done. We had time, we did things, and they were wild, sane, doubious, definate, leftist, conservative, up, down, and I loved them all. I won't lie either - it's been difficult, being reminded that she isn't with us in the mortal sense, but I have, on occasion, been smacked in the face with her spiritual presence amongst us.

At her memorial, she biffed her brother with a leaf for straightening her photograph.

Sitting in the spare room that used to be hers, talking metaphysics with some like-minded friends of ours, a bottle of neon green bubble solution randomly appeared in the window next to us, when it most certainly was not there before. Sorayne's doing, no doubt.

The Monarch butterflies, her favorite flower, migrate right through her will-be-soon Orchard on her father's property in Texas.

I woke up this morning due to an episode of True Blood playing on my Netflix-enabled computer. Sorayne's televised obsession, as it were.

I have her signature Bag-of-Holding, it will live on as a convention bag with me, going to Youmacon, World Steam, and all of the other conventions we lived and worked together, holding our ever-flowing supply of snacks, notebooks, pencils, juice boxes, and black sharpies for the Registration team.

I miss you, love you, and will never forget you, Sugarcube.

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