Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Off the Road Again?

One successful Roadtrip has indeed come to a close. What a blast! Jemyn, Soryane's brother, organized the trip and rounded all of us up for the epic adventure.

We alternated playing Sorayne's eclectic musical CDs, aptly named with some sort of "Random" in the title, and running an in-car version of a no-roll RPG all the way down to Texas, making a couple of stops on the way down to visit friends and family.

We stopped in IL to visit his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins - the children adopted the rest of our crew as cousins of theirs as well, proclaiming that we all had to return. Myself in particular, it seems, as I have to tell more of my stories next time, and I am an excellent pretender, as I have been told. ^_^

I found out Jemyn has a blog - seems he's thrown the digital pen down at - go check him out! His description of the event is bound to be far more interesting than mine. I did, however, take video. LOTS of video. There would have been more, if I hadn't thought I'd left the camera at home, discovering it only after we had left our frist layover back in IL. Phoo!

Somewhere around mid-Missouri (after the Saint Louis Arch was spotted, recorded, and passed) our driver of choice Panda and I, acting as navigator, discovered that the quality of the road changes dramatically every half hour or so. We could not only see it, but actually feel the line as the Jemyn Troop Transport crossed it. When the very visually ovbious red stretch of highway began, we suddenly realized that we must be crossing county lines with each change of road quality. We could tell how well-to-do each county was! Every time we hit one of these lines, we proclaimed "NEW COUNTY" to the rest of the vehicle's inhabitants (until they fell asleep, when we just looked at each other and said "Guess what?" *bump* "New County!" and much mirth occurred.)

Texas itself was amazing - though the pervasive, random encounters of the sent of "skunk'n'onions" (yes, TOGETHER) will forever leave me in hysterics. Panda can back me up on this. We arrived at the illustrious Guild Master's house, Panda and I were quite tired, having made the 14+ hour drive being awake and in command of the JTT. Well, Panda was in command. I was merely nagravator. :3 Being awake the whole day before we left IL had ment we were up for 30 some hours at that point, which left me rather delirious, so to speak. That Stacker 2 energy shot really did the trick - but the crash was wicked. I konked out for two hours, as did most of the crew (Jemyn aside - he actually slept most of the way ;p )

The afternoon was spent in downtown Denton, we had an awesome lunch at Chik-fil-a and an amazing bbq dinner (DR PEPPER BBQ CHICKEN OMG) and those of us who were part of the guild raided and beat the game of WOW. Seriously. They beat WOW. Jemyn's ladyfriend and I, not being WOWers, chose instead to catch up on our beauty rest and passed out early.

The next day had us at Whataburger for lunch, a Texas staple, and then we headed off to the road again, this time going straight to Lake Bliss, the property owned by Sorayne and Jemyn's Dad and Stepmother. And, to some extent, the animals... LOL!

More to come later, if I keep typing at this rate, I'll develop carpal tunnel and then I won't be able to feed the goats and sheep and horses and chickens and whoever else will be there next time. ^_^

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